Types of Migraines, Treatments and Information

A migraine is a chronic headache from mild to severe, including throbbing types of migraines, sensitivity to light, and nausea. In some cases, the nausea may be followed by mild to severe vomiting. The length can vary from a few minutes to 48 hours. Headache materializes in males and females aged between 10 and 46 years old. However types of migraines, they are more common in women and in families. Stresses that create irregular brain activity and constriction of the blood vessels are often the cause of vascular headache. Factors include stress, alcohol pungent odors, lights, smoke, hormones, environmental disturbances, and stress and diet types of migraines. The attack starts in the brain and interrupts the flow of blood in the brain and associated tissues. A headache is not a sign of a brain tumor.

Types of headaches are often classified according to the regularity of nature and the origin of the types of headaches. Types of migraines the seven types of headaches are:

* Abdominal migraine or periodic syndrome predominantly diagnosed in children. Also types of migraines, there is a family medical history of these symptoms.

* Migraine or ocular cephalic often has no pain in the head and is associated with visual disorientation, dizziness and nausea.

* Migraine without aura(warning) is a common headache, without warning signs until the disease.

* Migraine with aura appears in three forms: a) with a warning symptom for vision problems, for example, before the appearance or b) familial hemophilic migraine or c) sporadic hemophilic migraine.

* Hemophilic are sporadic and familial hemophilic migraine with aura and limitations of the engine. A migraine is classified as a family if a family member suffers from this type of headache as well types of migraines.

* A basilar migraine is a rare variety of migraine with aura. Basilar migraine usually occurs in young adults. This type of disease is often confused with intoxication because during migraine, the person who has clouded the speech, disorientation and body tingling.

* A retinal migraine occurs in one eye and is indicative of the presence of a serious medical condition. In this case types of migraines, consult your doctor.

Some migraine sufferers experience four parts to their migraines. The parts are called: 1) that occur before the migraine promote, 2) led the headache and 3) or migraine headaches, and 4) or after postmortem sensations. The sensations can range from a feeling of relief types of migraines, almost euphoric, to complete exhaustion or fatigue.

Types of migraines unfortunately, there is no cure for migraine. However, due to changes in lifestyle, preventive treatment and the doctor prescribed medications, the frequency and duration of migraine attacks decreased by less restricted lifestyle types of migraines. A doctor who specializes in the treatment of migraine type s is the best solution for the diagnosis and successful treatment of this chronic disease.

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