Visual Migraine, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Visual disturbances are common symptoms of migraine with aura, a type of migraine that affects approximately one third of all migraine sufferers. The bright flashing lights, tunnel vision, and blind spots occur before and during a visual migraine crisis, in addition to the symptoms of a stroke – like, some typical types of visual disturbances that occur with migraines.

Migraine attacks are a neurological disorder that occurs in stages or progression of several diseases, including but not limited to chronic pain visual migraine, severe headache, nausea, stomach pains, vomiting and extreme sensitivity to lights. Visual disturbances indicate migraines with aura phase of a few minutes before the migraine strikes, the symptoms can be different for each patient visual migraine, and do not necessarily include all migraine.

Symptoms of migraine aura can include dizziness, partial paralysis, impaired vision, slurred speech sudden, perfumes hallucinations, visual migraine weakness and loss of consciousness. Many of the symptoms associated with migraine with aura also occur before a race, so it is vital for patients suffering from migraine visual disabilities to practice stroke prevention.

Visual migraine differences in blurred vision, sometimes your doctor can determine what type of migraine treatment you need based on what type of visual impairment is before a migraine attack.

Several types of temporary visual disturbances that people experience migraine attacks before, here are among the most common:
Photos suddenly a bright flash of light is the most common visual disorder associated with migraine with aura.

Scintillating Scotia: scintillating Scotia occurs in 43% of patients with migraine, causing bright, with sharp edges to appear on the left side that can occupy almost half of their field of vision on that side as mean moon. Visual migraine it is also sometimes described as bright zigzag line extending through its vision.

This is a common symptom of heart disease is also associated with migraines. Visual disturbances for this type of migraine aura include loss of vision in one eye that lasts a few seconds to a few minutes. Patients describe it as a dark shadow that is pulled down over his eyes for a moment. With metamorphosis visual migraine, objects and shapes are distorted in size, shape and color, with a particular focus on body parts. Before facing metamorphosis appears altered and distorted.

Metamorphosis associated with the syndrome of Alice in Wonderland migraine, a well-equipped for classic Lewis Carroll tales, where people and things are totally out of proportion to the reality phenomenon visual migraine. The author observed was a victim of migraine known, it is possible to illustrate the adventures of Alice, also described his own struggles with migraine attacks.

Having a visual migraine attack, but most of the time pain can be scary visual migraine, especially for those who know first. If anyone knows one of the symptoms associated with this type of migraine, should consult their doctor immediately. This migraine, by itself, does not usually require any treatment, but symptoms may be signs of a more serious condition visual migraine. About the disease and how to deal with it is the best treatment of all.

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